Info boot from network with 1024x768 screen and RAM >=128MB (more...) (RAM: >=128 MB graphical mode (more with user addons), >=48 MB text mode) There are 2 ramdisks which have a fixed size: one for / and another for /usr (spbrootsize=.. and spbaddonsize=.. ;=3,4,8,16,32,64 MB) and 2 ramdisks with variable size mounted at /tmp and at /home (reduce / and /usr to save RAM) Default ramdisk size is 4 MB for / and 32 MB for /usr. echo the screen resolution is defined by: x:x=,x:y=,x:res= x:freq=) (the command vbetest displays available vesa resolutions) echo the network config 1,2,d (d=dhcp) is defined by net:config=1,.. echo addons are loaded from subdirectories (in /spblinux) defined by addons:subdir=basics:x:x2 echo the config-file /spblinux/spbcfgN is loaded by boot parameter spbconf=cfgdevN (with N=0,1,2...9) as described in bootinfo.txt. echo the network from which spblinux is loaded is set by root=[:88]/dir/subdir (or ftp:// or tftp://) the boot splash graphic gets activated by vga=788 console=tty1 quiet (press F2 to unhide the boot messages) (any key to continue; back in the menu press key tab to edit entries)