….we need to understand that it´s the peasant food webs that already reaches 70% of the world population. There are reports from ETC and GRAIN showing that 70% of the world population is mainly supported by small-scale production of campesinos, small farmers, also urban gardens, and other forms of food exchange and gathering that are small, decentralized, and local. This is what feeds most of humanity but it´s not enough because they have too little land. And it is not only healthier food, but it is the food system that really reaches most of the people. These alternatives should be strengthened and supported. We are called to a radical shift of paradigm to think of solutions with originations from below, decentralized, collective, seeds of solidarity. We could begin to vision and plan on how to take care of ourselves in the face of a threat that can infect us, but also take care of each other and continue working towards the creation of cultures that are critically questioning and contrary to the capitalist system, because this the source of the pathology infecting all humanity, nature, ecosystems and the planet .
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