He Never Gave Up

reposted from Dilip’s blog After the truth‑shower Julian Assange again risks his life defying the CIA and Pentagon to testify against them to a 46-nation gathering in Europe By Dilip on 13th October 2024 With myriad crimes committed against those invaded and occupied in the Middle East, those spied upon everywhere, and those trying to expose these abuses, not a single perpetrator has ever been prosecuted or even investigated… If the impunity of genocidal Israel on its current rampage through the Middle East puzzles you, keep in mind that the West as a whole has a much larger, long-standing culture Read More

Giraffe Heroes turn into Guardians of Humanity and going incognito

(English below) «Stick your Neck Out» war und ist in Amerika das Motto der für ihren couragierten und hartnäckigen Kampf für das Gemeingut ausgezeichneten Giraffe-Heroes. Vor bald fünf Jahren wurde ein europäischer Ableger, die Giraffe Heroes Foundation (GHF) vom Verfasser dieses Artikels hier in Basel gegründet. Die Geschichte des Giraffe Heroes Project ist 40 Jahre alt und geht zurück auf die noch heute aktiven Gründer Ann Medlock und John Graham: Ann war und ist eine hervorragende Schriftstellerin, Journalistin, Feministin; ihr Mann John, ex-Diplomat, schmiss seine vielversprechende Karriere mit 39 Jahren hin, als er erkannte, dass die Interessen der Herren, denen Read More

Edwar Snowden’s Christmas Letter ’21

…….the US government has just sought to redefine as acts of heinous criminal conspiracy. Two-hearted, two-minded creatures: the media is full of them. And too many have been content to accept the US government’s determination that what should properly be the highest purpose of the media — the uncovering of truth, in the face of attempts to hide it — is suddenly in doubt and quite possibly illegal. That chill in the air this Christmas season? If Assange’s prosecution is allowed to continue, it will become a freeze. Bundle up. https://www.rsn.org/001/everything-going-great-bad-faith-worse-news-and-julian-assange.html Edward Snowden – Everything Going Great: Bad Faith, Worse Read More

The End is he Beginning: Vandana Shiva, ONENESS vs the 1% – Shattering Illusion, Seeding Freedom, Chelsea Green 2018 – with Kartikey Shiva

One year after Douglas Rushkoff’s Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus – disturbing enough an analytical description of the evolution of Corporatism since the late Middle Ages and its apotheosis during the present days – Vandana Shiva published an even more detailed, harrowing, terrifying and revolting account of where the present global society is heading for: the abyss. Vandana Shiva is an acclaimed scientist and since decades a crusader for upholding objective scientific standards, apart from being one of if not THE most influential activist for the protection of our environment in terms of biodiversity and the protection of seedbanks, Read More

Julian Assange: shame shame shame

Assange, at tremendous personal cost, warned us. He gave us the truth. The ruling class is crucifying him for this truth. With his crucifixion, the dim lights of our democracy go dark.

Chris Hedges, The execution of Julian Assange: he exposed the crimes of empire – and that could not be tolerated

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Live is too Important to Get Stuck, Podcast with Paul Kronenberg

True purpose and motivation create the inner value beyond riches and are the foundation for a healthy society in a heathy world. The co-founder and chief organizer of the Kanthari-Movement – the Kerala-based ‘Incubator’ for Changemakers to be – makes this strikingly obvious by sharing his vast experience, knowledge, success and above all, yes, joy in doing what he is doing. Listen to this truly inspiring GHF-Stick Your Neck Out Podcast with Yampier Duranona: Life is too important to get stuck (giraffe-heroes.eu)

GHF Joins 1% for the Planet as Non-Profit Partner

Already heard of that marvelous initiative 1% For the Planet? – It all started when two businessmen met and bonded over their shared love for the outdoors. Realizing their responsibility to protect our planet, they decided to give 1% of their sales back to the environment—whether or not they were profitable. In 2002, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, created 1% for the Planet and started a global movement. “The intent of 1% for the Planet is to help fund these diverse environmental organizations so that collectively they can be a more powerful Read More

“Stick Your Neck Out” – The Podcast to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

by Yampier Aguiar Duranona – for German version scroll down; first published on the Kanthari Blog, June 4th, ’21 You might think that writing about your own podcast is an easy homework. Well, no it isn’t. At least not for me. When I was searching a catchy slogan for the podcast “Stick Your Neck Out!”, the Podcast of the Giraffe Heroes Foundation, I was looking for something that sounded good, inspires and described the initial idea of the podcast – today, with more than 35 episodes published and many more in production, I am convinced that the one I found Read More

Wim Hof and Oganes Arustamov

March 19th, 2021 Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to announce the Commendations of Oganes Arustamov and Wim Hof as Giraffe-Heroes. Especially during the strange times we are living in both of them offer a method to cope with the challenge. We had two somewhat critical voices regarding the nominations, one for each of the candidates. As for the rather young Oganes (b. 1991) the question was whether there is ‘already enough in the plate’ to justify a commendation – as for Wim Hof (b. 1959 and with ‘a lot in the plate’) the question was about the Read More

Shared Ideas, Shared Ideals, Shared Actions….

What Meghana Raveendra is writing on the Kanthari Blog brings one of the key questions for effective positive change to the point: will social change makers around the globe be able to form a movement or will they sooner or later be cornered as freaks and fall victim to Orwellian type of standardization and sterilization permeating politics at large during these times? We feel with her and that shared feeling had brought about our partnership with Kanthari since last year…… f.n. knock knock knock – By Meghana Raveendra “Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with Read More

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