Celebrating Sven Hammrell

…… One of Sven’s greatest talents must have been the ability to spot unique people and ideas before anyone else. He and Olle would bring them into the ever-expanding network of the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, ask them to contribute to Development Dialogue, and then stay connected with them forever. People leading new and alternative thinking on health, media, disarmament, science, technology, agriculture, ecology, education, pharmaceuticals, the global economy, UN reform, and any other conceivable, important topic were spotted and brought together. A young Pat Mooney was one such character. Sven realized before anyone else that this Canadian activist had an Read More

The Great Divide and the Giraffe Heroes Foundation – An Appeal –

We are living in an age of divisions, growing ever more extreme. The technical divide, yes; but not only. Increasingly, in the technically well advanced society the wealth and welfare divide is gaining dramatically ground and  has reached absolute, historical proportions. In parallel there is a less noted and less accepted divide creeping in: the intellectual divide. The new Big Brother, China, is leading the lot, followed by a maniac American president who wishes to erase the intellectual discourse in the name of fake news and alternative facts. The so called scientific community, powered by big pharma and power hungry, Read More

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