Wim Hof and Oganes Arustamov

March 19th, 2021

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to announce the Commendations of Oganes Arustamov and Wim Hof as Giraffe-Heroes.

Especially during the strange times we are living in both of them offer a method to cope with the challenge.

We had two somewhat critical voices regarding the nominations, one for each of the candidates.

As for the rather young Oganes (b. 1991) the question was whether there is ‘already enough in the plate’ to justify a commendation – as for Wim Hof (b. 1959 and with ‘a lot in the plate’) the question was about the medical merit of his Method, but not actually relating to the personality of the man. – While both questions have a point, we went ahead with a commendation as there were many more voices supporting such a move. As for the ‘youngster’ we’re looking forward to be able to support him further in the future and whish him all success with the realization of his bold plans; as for the seasoned fighter Wim Hof we are grateful that he consented to a commendation and are looking forward to possible synergies to evolve.

Please check the website to

Where there are Giraffes there is Hope!



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