“…. Is it still possible by any means to save them….?”

George Gurdjeff, Belzebub’s Tales to His Grandson Gurdjeff’s Belzebub certainly counts among the most arcane fiction ever put on paper. And that not only because the Belzebub, commonly identified with the devil, appears as the most benevolent character in the history of mankind. The 1000-something pages oeuvre in which Belzebub tells his adventures on earth  to his grandson Hassein while they are cruising space from Mars to Jupiter gives a rather damning account of human behavior through the ages and makes quite a mockery of sapiens, especially in modern times. The grandson, who takes a compassionate interest into the fate Read More

This Pandemic is a Warm-up Drill – by John Graham …………… So I leave the house with mask and gloves and I social-distance my way to the post office and the grocery store and the pharmacy. There’s no way I’m going to put other people at risk by being macho myself. Here’s hoping that idea is getting through to other adventure junkies like me. I value lessons like those from philosopher and educator Parker Palmer who said in a recent essay, “As some of the fallout from this crisis comes my way… I’m learning more about the good hearts of Read More

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