Frank Neumann, Behemoth, Introduction

by Peter Hayes, quoted from the 1942 edition I wonder whether this sounds familiar these days….., Franc INTRODUCTIONby Peter HayesF r a n z N e u m a n n ’s Behemoth is one of the classics of modem politicalanalysis. Recognized upon publication during World War II as the firstthoroughly researched unmasking of what the subtitle promised—thestructure and practice of Nazism—the book has remained a stimulus toinquiry and debate to this day. T h e provocative and controversial centralargument, telegraphed by the choice of title, is that the Third Reichneither expressed a consistent ideology nor possessed a coherent structure.Like Read More

Elon Musk – THE Tweeter, Symptomatic of our Times….

Reposted from Dilip Simeon’s blog Elon Musk is the king of trolls in an age of troll politics / What better owner for Twitter than master of the ill-advised tweet? Posted: 27 Apr 2022 07:43 PM PDT Even while hammering out the final details of his £35bn ($44bn) purchase of Twitter, Elon Musk took some time out this weekend to tweet. He likes tweeting, does the world’s richest man, usually from what he calls his “porcelain throne” (that detail disclosed on Twitter, naturally enough). This one was a photo of Bill Gates, zeroing in on the 66-year-old’s modest paunch and Read More

Who is Next?

to disappear? I’m re-posting these messages by Chris Hedges and probably are going to post more of the same as the age of Being Disappeared advances across the globe…. Chris Hedges: On Being Disappeared / The Lie of American Innocence Posted: 29 Mar 2022 11:48 PM PDT The entire archive of On Contact, the Emmy-nominated show I hosted for six years for RT America and RT International, has been disappeared from YouTube. Gone is the interview with Nathaniel Philbrick on his book about George Washington. Gone is the discussion with Kai Bird on his biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Gone Read More

Und das lesen Sie nur in der NZZ

Und das lesen Sie nur in der NZZ: Die Ankunft der ukrainischen Flüchtlinge weckt Erinnerungen an die Flüchtlingskrise 2015/16. Die Bedingungen sind jetzt aber fundamental anders. Die Flüchtlinge sind hauptsächlich Frauen und Kinder. Und europäische Nachbarn. Den unterschiedlichen Umgang mit arabischen und ukrainischen Flüchtlingen als problematisch darzustellen, ist moralisierender Unfug. In einer idealen Welt würde man jedem helfen wollen. Faktisch ist das nicht möglich.

Neo-Fascists, Hurray!

Minima Moralia on Media Vulture

“Feeding on the carrion of a Dead Culture” – – When double checking on the English version of below Entry 71 of Minima Moralia by Adorno, 1945, I found the English version quoted about a bit over a decade ago on a site with above title and subtitle, which can be found telling in it’s own right…..: Pseudomenos [Greek: liar]. APRIL 13, 2011 “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle” — George Orwell The magnetic power which ideologies exert over human beings, while they have become entirely threadbare, is to be explained beyond psychology, in Read More


Adorno, Minima Moralia, 43, Surhkamp Frankfurt, 1951 – English below Wenn etwas die Verrantheit der sog. ‘Objektiven Fakten’ – Dogmatiker oder ‘Mainstream Fassadenbauer’ kurz gesagt punktuiert, dann dieser Text – geschrieben im letzten Jahr des 2. Weltkriegs….(F.N.): Bangemachen gilt nicht. – Was objektiv die Wahrheit sei, bleibt schwer genugauszumachen, aber im Umgang mit Menschen soll man davon nicht sich terrorisierenlassen. Es gibt da Kriterien, die fürs erste ausreichen. Eines der zuverlässigsten ist,daß einem entgegengehalten wird, eine Aussage sei »zu subjektiv«. Wird das geltendgemacht und gar mit jener Indignation, in der die wütende Harmonie allervernünftigen Leute mitklingt, so hat man Grund, Read More

Indisputably Disputable Evidence….

Alting von Geusau on Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism,1948. ….Not since the end of the Second World War have so many renowned and acclaimed academics, scientists and medical doctors, including Nobel Prize recipients and nominees, been silenced, deplatformed and fired from their positions only because they do not support the official or ‘correct’ line. They simply desire for a robust public discourse on the question of how best to deal with the issue at hand and thus engage in a common search for truth. This is the point where we know from history that the ideology of the day Read More

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